Ever been in a disagreement about who’s right and who’s wrong?

It can feel like a challenge to one’s intelligence, principles, or experienced as an emotional upset.

Want greater harmony?  Consider these tips:

  1. When disagreeing about facts: Take a step back, breathe and calmly offer a different way to resolve.  For example, agree to actually look up the facts together or ask the “right” person.  The idea here is to get the truth.  Rather than surmising, save time and energy and go straight to the source.
  2. When defending a position: As unique beings, we will always find differences among us.  When we allow for these differences, our hearts are open and we can accept another as they are and discover more about them.  When disallowed, our hearts close and we find ourselves defensive, trying to convince or justify.  Let go of the need to change another or be approved of by them, and instead accept who and where you both are.  In this, you will come to know peace.
  3. When feeling emotionally wronged: There is no argument when it comes to how someone feels.  It’s really quite simple.  They feel the way they feel, period.  Why is a different question.  While that requires an in-depth response, for now let’s sumorize in a self-reflective way.A.)  Step away from what/who is triggering you.
    B.)  Allow yourself to responsibly feel everything.
    C.)  Afterwards, yourself ask what you believe to be true? And finally,
    D.)  Answer it honestly.