“How can I make better friends?”



Dear Curious:

This is a great question and one even adults ask.  The most important thing to consider is compatibility, being a good match. For this, here are two very important things to consider.

Be yourself.  You only want to attract the right kinds of friends.  They are others who like what you like, therefore, you’ll have things in common and this opens doors for exploration that excites and interests you both.

Also, don’t pretend to be what you are not.  It is deceiving for you both.  Eventually it is a façade you cannot keep up and you will come to resent needing to be someone you are not.  Save yourself the time, frustration and disappointment and simply be your authentic self.  It’s much easier and it’s your best side!

Know you matter.  It is super important to know you are worthy.  You don’t have to earn it, prove it or convince another of it.  Your existence is proof of your worthiness.

So, if someone doesn’t agree with you, doesn’t like you, sees something differently than you do, it’s ok.  It just means they are different than you.  Different isn’t good or bad.  It just is. It doesn’t make either of you wrong.  No need to judge yourself or them.  You just probably won’t be friends.  And that’s ok.  They are worthy to be who they are, just as you are.  And truthfully, you don’t want others to change for you and you don’t need to change for them.  Who you truly are matters.