Life game of life doesn’t keep score…because score keeping is meant for ballgames, not for life.

Often times we keep tally of what someone does or doesn’t do and if they owe us or not.  We compare what we’ve done for them against what they’ve done for us.  If not balanced, then someone owes.

Jim was a young immigrant anxious to support his family moving into the country.  He went above and beyond, sacrificing a great deal to accommodate their every need.

Unknowingly, he was mentally keeping score.  You see, Jim’s past choices were created from an unconscious, unloving belief – “I need to do for others what I don’t want to do.”

Years later he needed their help.  When they didn’t repay their “debt”, his felt justified as his anger and resentment grew.  In his mind, their payment came due and they weren’t paying.

The problem was Jim’s unsuspecting family wasn’t aware nor were they in agreement.

Is he right to think this way?

The truth is, “I’ll scratch your back if you scratch mine” is not based in love or truth.  When Jim didn’t follow his heart, he started keeping a “you owe me” scorecard against them.  However, this was not his family’s responsibility.

Rather, if Jim had followed his heart and trusted the right person would help his family, he would not be resentful now.  Additionally, he would not be angry when his family wasn’t available to him because he would trust the right person would come along to help him.