Authentic Intimacy
Every relationship is unique, every person different and together you require one-of-a-kind support whether you are married, engaged, exclusive, open or in the puppy-love phase.
Your intention is to thrive, prosper and grow together; foreseeing a future that reflects your hopes, wishes and dreams both individually and together. As such, you deserve to be seen in the greatest light, heard with the deepest compassion and guided with the utmost care.
As an advocate for true love, equality and empowerment, my coaching style gets to the heart of the matter quickly and easily, offering action-based, practical guidance to see real change and genuine alignment with your true heart’s desires. Using principles of self-love, self-responsibility and personal-power, you will enhance the good thing you’ve already got going, mend tattered hearts, rebuild a broken bridge or gently come to know if the right path is a new path.
Every Relationship
has Room for Improvement
Even the best of them can be even better! If in your heart-of-hearts you want the “even better” version of your partnership, which clearly you do or you wouldn’t be here (smile), let’s improve your love-life by improving your relationship with love!
The core approach of this coaching shifts you out of fear-based relating into love-based partnering. Some areas of focus include:
Take the “Unconventional” Plunge
You’ll never know until your try. And you’ll never get my very-different, truly love-based perspective unless we connect with the mutual intention to heal the very core of what causes strife, discordance and chaos in your life. If you’re tired of seeing no results, rehashing the same arguments and problems, and the inner turmoil and conflict raging inside, then STOP! Reach out and let’s make some strategic moves.
Sitting on the sidelines wanting, wishing and hoping things improve ia a sure way of getting more of what you’ve already got. I know it can be scary but it can also be very exciting and rewarding. When love leads the way and love heals the past and love reveals truth, it frees you, ushering in more joy, opening new pathways of relating, bringing excitement and pleasure and intimacy to life, maybe for the first time. You really have everything to gain and no thing to lose. You can never go wrong with more love.
Love wants all of you and is ready to lead the way.
Your love-life will thank you.
Helpful Tools, Now
Often unforgiveness stands between you and a deeper, more loving relationship.
Whether you engage in true forgiveness now or later, know at some point it will be one of the richest tools to move you forward together happily. Discover more about this 3+ hour, downloadable masterclass that you can do at your own pace and both have for the price of one! Big benefits, big savings and big rewards. Your heart will thank you for it. Learn More.