Getting to the “bottom” of things sometimes requires perseverance and a willingness to know the truth. Wanting to close the gap between what you have and what you want means collapsing resistance within.
When money isn’t flowing in our lives, there can be many reasons, as a client and I uncovered in a recent session. When our lives are not producing the results we think our efforts deserve, we can feel frustrated, duped and wanting to give up.
Instead of feeling defeated, consider the following questions and suggestions to help you open to receive the bounty all around you and that you richly deserve. They will help you re-posture to receive and close the gap.
- ASK YOURSELF: What will having this desired money feel like to me?
Action: Begin now to feel this way/these ways.
Example: I will feel freer having more money with more options to do the things I want do. Therefore, start now to explore more ways to create more adventure with what you do have that gives you the sense of expansion and choices. Gratitude is free (wink-wink) and sets the stage for more things to appear in your life to be grateful for.
- ASK YOURSELF: What benefit does not having this money create? In other words, if I had the money, what would I not be developing or learning?
Action: Discover how not having money is causing you to learn, grow and overcome. Focus on doing those things.
Example: Not having the amount money I want right now is causing me to be conscious of my spending. In this slowing down process, I am learning to appreciate what I have more; I am learning about new places to shop and more ways to save. I discover choices I never knew about.
- ASK YOURSELF: What am I afraid of, what fears are coming up?
Action: Unearth the fears that are showing up and release them, find their roots and extract once and for all.
Example: Your True Self wants you to live fearlessly. But in order to do so, you attract different life experiences that cause what is buried inside you to be revealed. When a hidden fear arises, address it before it submerges into the darkness again. (When you stay in the frustration, you are not actually dealing with the real issue. The issue isn’t not having money, the issue is eliminating the fear that is causing the gap between you and the money.)
- Or perhaps you can relate with another client…
“When my daughter asked me to give her financial support for a new car – I was distraught with guilt about not wanting to help her financially and I came to you. You helped me to see the seed planted by my mother’s pattern of giving conditionally.
Looking at this pattern in me allowed me to focus more on empowering my daughter. Within a month, she found a beautiful car that meets all her needs without me offering a single penny!❤️
I’m so grateful to you for helping me to open my eyes and heart to look for ways to offer support unconditionally, which feels loving and empowering.”
Try this Spiritual Law out...
Do more with less,
Then you can do less and have more.
If you too would like life-changing support, I’m just a phone call away❣️
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