10-Minute Soul Reading


Find out what your Soul has to share with you!

Sent as an MP3 recording, emailed directly to you by December 31, 2024.

Provide one to three topics you wish to know from your Soul. Keep in mind these may or may not be what your Soul wishes to share.

Provide the name and email of the person you wish to gift and let them know to check their spam folder just in case MP3 recording lands here. Provide them this email address to accept: Kelly@KellySJones.net.

NOTE: Recipient will receive ALL three sessions. Bundle of 3 cannot be divided up.



Hear the messages your Soul has for you!
Receive the healing and clarity that support your moving forward.
Get the Light Language Activations that resonate deep within for authentic alignment.

Invite magic and miracles into your life with direct messages from your Soul!

Nothing you need to do.

Simply order and wait to receive your recorded MP3 messages from your Soul by December 31, 2024 delivered directly to the email you ordered with.
(Be sure to check spam folder!)

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