Let There Be “Light”

When you gently shine pure Light in the recesses of the mind’s secret hiding places, something miraculous happens.  The “untouchable” memories take new shape, “unthinkable” traumas steadily soften and the shadow of “unforgivable” experiences recedes.

The truth is, you do not need to suffer from a past unhealed nor worry of a future repeating the past when True Forgiveness is applied.

You see, the spiritual Law of Forgiveness, when accurately applied, carefully and permanently unravels what suffocates and inhibits your ability to actualize your true heart’s desires.  It grants and gifts you the ability to:

  • Forgive the “unforgivable” within yourself and others
  • Heal the “untouchable” wounds of entombed emotions
  • Reclaim your life from “unthinkable” trauma
  • Release your deep seated guilt, worry and shame
  • Make peace with your troubling past
  • And come to know lasting love in your life

“For no one in whom true forgiveness rests can suffer.”
~ The Fear of Healing  ~
A Course in Miracles

True Forgiveness is
Healing the Mind with Love

What you believe to be unforgivable, untouchable and unthinkable are actually unresolved fears buried deep within your mind.  As the core ingredients of love and truth are activated and accelerated, mistaken beliefs that created these fears disappear without a trace.

In True Forgiveness coaching you will heal
your deepest wound, transcend your greatest rejection,
release debilitating regret and rise above secret shame. 

You will move past your blind spots, acknowledge truth, heal hurt and transform unloving beliefs responsible for these life experiences.  Then you will know peace and freedom.  Then, permission to be “totally and completely in love with yourself” will be granted and forward momentum attained in miraculous and loving ways.

Isn’t It Time
to Let Go of the Past &
Live Joyfully from Your Heart?

I welcome you to join me on this worthy and powerful journey of truly forgiving what binds you and rebuild the courage, power and self-love you deserve to live the life you sincerely desire.

I invite you into the “luminous field” where
the Impossible meets the Possible,
the Improbable becomes the Probable,
and All Potential resides!

Will you come?

What Clients Say

“Somehow, unimaginable things have started to happen in a great way.  Inexplicable good things started to develop. Anxiety, remorse and guilt started to vanish in my being. Highly recommend to talk to Kelly if life doesn’t seem to go the way you think it should be going. Clear answers and right direction will come.

I knew I had to reach out to her for guidance which I have been given and peace in my heart started to unfold. Thank you Kelly for showing me a great way to reboot my life. Thank you for guidance.  Thank you for your words.”

Ricardo S. – MA

“Kelly S. Jones is gifted!  I have had chronic pain for several months, it is debilitating.  I worked with Kelly, it was our first session, and a day and a half later my pain reduced from a 9 to a 6.  Anyone who knows chronic pain knows what a huge jump that is.  Kelly and I worked, with the guides right alongside us, on my deep foundational beliefs that simply do not serve me.  In my opinion, these beliefs are part of the “creation” of the chronic pain and other health issues I am dealing with presently.  If you are interested in a deep clearing, a loving experience and a freedom from your deep unhealthy beliefs, please give Kelly S. Jones a call!  I am so glad I made that call!”

Karen O. – IL

Change That Lasts

  • Quiet the clattering critic
  • Release the inner victim
  • Surrender deafening fears
  • Re-script the troubled past
  • Open wide the aperture of your heart

Take The Next Step

Diana Love

Let’s Start Here

True Forgiveness Awaits You!